

What is leadership capacity and how do I get more of it?

What’s your leadership capacity like right now? Are you operating from a position of healthy margins, or is your tank ...
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Are our values that important? And who cares?

When was the last time you engaged in a discussion or read an article on the values leaders believed to ...
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Make Failure Your Friend

Relax; you will Fail Failure is inevitable. If you’re breathing, you will fail at things. It’s part of the human ...
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The Power of Reflection: How it Can Supercharge Your Leadership

Did you know that reflection has the power to supercharge your leadership? We live and lead in a culture that ...
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Why being ‘lonely at the top’ isn’t good for you, or for business

Leaders are no more exempt from loneliness and isolation than the rest of the population. In fact, they can be ...
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Why Resilience Matters for Leaders

Resilience matters for leaders. It’s not just some abstract concept. It’s about our capacity to cope with and grow from ...
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Beyond the Crucible meets When Leaders Are Lost.

I recently had the immense privilege and pleasure of being interviewed by Warwick Fairfax and Gary Schneeberger on the Beyond ...
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Mind the Gap Between What You Believe and How You Lead

I have a couple of questions for you. Can you, as a leader, articulate your core beliefs and values? And ...
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Managing your expectations in the face of the workplace revolution

In this era of profound change in the world of work and the extended life expectancy of people, it’s not ...
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Why the death of the three-stage life doesn’t have to mean the end of a fulfilling life!

As a leader, where do you see yourself in five years? How about ten years? What’s your career trajectory, and ...
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Adapt and Innovate: Why companies need to embrace failure to flourish.

The COVID-19 pandemic taught us a lot, not least how quickly a three- or five-year strategy can become redundant. We ...
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Closing the gap between strategy and execution

Worldwide, only 10% of businesses effectively implement their corporate strategies, which leaves a staggering 90% that never make it past ...
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