Get clarity on your goals to achieve more

With the LCP Leadership Accelerator for only $AUD99

If you’ve been busy, running hard and still not where you want to be…

this is an ideal time to review your goals to work out what’s important to you.

But with only 8% of people achieving their goals, how do you set yourself up to win and overcome the inevitable roadblocks that can derail your plans?

What if you could use a proven system that stacks the odds in your favour, equipping you to build momentum and gain measurable results?


A better foundation for your success

New Year’s resolutions and aspirations are noble, but often lack the foundation to actually help you see results.

This is why the LCP Leadership Accelerator™ and its 90-Day Goal Tracking system was formulated… to give you a foundation that draws out your strengths and values, providing focus and clarity which increases momentum and energy.

The LCP Leadership Accelerator™ vs typical goal setting

LCP Leadership Accelerator™

Typical goal setting

Helps you clearly identify what will help you achieve your goals

Lacks a framework to align your goals with your strengths and values

Enables you to build momentum

Mostly relies on internal motivation and willpower

Helps you clearly identify what will help you achieve your goals

Often doesn’t see roadblocks and potential challenges that need to be resolved

Gives you insights to overcome roadblocks and create strategies where your strengths can be leveraged

Gives you insights to overcome roadblocks and create strategies where your strengths can be leveraged

A proven systematic framework that is tailored to your context… putting you in control of your goals

Usually based on what worked for someone else, but may not suit you

90-Day Goal Tracking System gives you the ability to review and reset goals every 90 days, as part of an automated process

Rigid goals which quickly become redundant

LCP Leadership Accelerator

Helps you clearly identify what will help you achieve your goals

Enables you to build momentum

Helps you clearly identify what will help you achieve your goals

Gives you insights to overcome roadblocks and create strategies where your strengths can be leveraged

A proven systematic framework that is tailored to your context… putting you in control of your goals

90-Day Goal Tracking System gives you the ability to review and reset goals every 90 days, as part of an automated process

Typical goal setting

Lacks a framework to align your goals with your strengths and values

Mostly relies on internal motivation and willpower

Often doesn’t see roadblocks and potential challenges that need to be resolved

Gives you insights to overcome roadblocks and create strategies where your strengths can be leveraged

Usually based on what worked for someone else, but may not suit you

Rigid goals which quickly become redundant

How It Works

Your 12 month subscription gives you full access to the LCP Leadership Accelerator System, including the 90-Day Goal tracking system.

The system guides you through a reflective journey, which typically is completed within a couple of hours. This journey is comprised of five online learning phases which can be done on separate days or all at once, depending on your preference, with each phase generating a tailored journal (a copy of these can also be sent to a mentor, coach or friend),

Every 90 days you’ll receive an email reminding you to review your goals and reset them for the next 90 days. This allows you to leverage new insights you’ve gained, helping you sustain momentum as you pursue your goals.

Ready to create your personalised success plan?

Frequently Asked Questions

What research is this based on?

The system is based on The 5 Leadership Anchors™, which outline LCP Global’s framework for increasing leadership capacity. For the science behind this, you can download the LCP Research Rationale.

How much is it?

A 12 month subscription can be purchased for $AUD99 inc GST. You can also purchase in USD, GBP or EUR, simply select your preferred currency on the registration page

I already have a coach, do I still need this?

Many coaches use the LCP Leadership Accelerator System to complement their work with clients, due to the insights gained from the process and proven framework. So, yes, this is effective for use with or without a coach. If you have a coach, we recommend that you select the option to send them a copy of your reports to support your existing coaching.

How is this different from other tools designed to identify strengths, etc?

Other tools can provide useful insights, but don’t then integrate this into a complete system to help you leverage what you’ve learned. If you’ve completed other tools, the LCP Leadership Accelerator System encourages you to enter your previous results, so you can further leverage these and use them effectively to inform your goal setting.

Can I use this for my team?

Yes, organizations can leverage the LCP Leadership Accelerator for their teams and manage subscriptions via a central dashboard. To register your organization, purchase and manage user codes, contact us via the form below

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