Brand Alignment

Give others a compelling reason to engage

Define your 'ownable' position in the market

The 90-Day Brand Accelerator is a self-propelled branding initiative that moves as fast and hard as you do.

If you’re a small to medium sized business, you need a strong and distinctive brand that will give your potential clients the ability to cut through the noise and give them a compelling reason to engage you; a brand that will drive your business towards success.

Rather than see it as a major strategic contributor to success, many businesses wait too long to define their brand. As other business priorities take the lead, there is often little capacity left to focus on building a strong brand identity. Delaying this process in the short-term ends up impacting the business in the long-term.

Build your brand strategy with a team of brand experts that will guide you through the process.

Who will benefit?

For many small to medium sized businesses struggling to carve out adequate time and resources to develop their brand strategy, implementing an intensive consultative approach over 90 days will help them—

Leverage a successful track record

The 90-Day Brand Accelerator is a collaborative venture created by US-based brand experts, SIGNAL Brand Innovators and LCP Global.
Combining the extensive experience of Signal Brand Innovators with LCP Global’s 90-Day alignment methodology and leadership insights, this unique process recognizes the importance of the business lifecycle and what is needed to take your business to the next level. A ‘one size fits all’ approach doesn’t work and can result in a loss of momentum and valuable market share.
SIGNAL Brand Innovators has a successful track record with national and global brands. Some of their recent engagements include:

Other clients include

Build your visual identity with the 90 Day Brand Accelerator

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