As leaders assume more responsibility, they often have less capacity to deal with the increasing number of priorities and many stop investing in their own wellbeing. As stress levels increase, a leader’s capacity declines, leading to poor performance and productivity. This can also spill into a leader’s personal relationships, creating even more pressure.
Organizations can find their growth hampered through misalignment that can lead to a lack of innovation, growing capability gaps, and a loss of motivation among staff. Some organizations find themselves unable to retain key talent or attract new talent as employee engagement declines.
Working longer and harder is not an option, neither is maintaining the status quo or committing to ineffective approaches to support and develop leaders that don’t work.
There are many outstanding programs focused on developing leadership competencies, and while there is a place for that, they are not always enough.
“Our aim is simple. To help leaders achieve their goals without sacrificing what is important.”
Since 2013, we have been helping leaders think differently about what they want to achieve. Working with leaders from twelve countries, we created a holistic, systematic approach that is highly personalized to a leader’s context, increasing their capacity to better lead themselves, others, and their business.
I am a big believer that when leaders flourish, those around them can flourish. The inverse is also true. Our unique strategic management system helps to create a culture where the power of alignment is a significant driver of business success.
Because it is important to organizations that this culture can be sustained and leveraged over time, our approach focuses on mentoring internal stakeholders to champion and sustain the power of alignment.
Fuelled by a strong focus on outcomes in 90 days, there are 5 Leadership Anchors™, that when aligned, allows leaders to build better relationships and stronger teams, make better decisions, achieve results that are sustainable, and have a better quality of life.
Founder and CEO
Identify potential conflicts and roadblocks
Leverage fresh insights from their work history and apply them to their goals
Gain momentum by being clear on their next steps and immediate actions
Keep track of their progress and development as they work to achieve their goals with the virtual 90-Day Goal Tracking System
This is the Discovery Phase. Before you can determine the destination, it is important to know where to start. The LCP Alignment Benchmarking Assessment is a tool where the key stakeholders and leaders in your business can affirm your core strengths and identify important alignment opportunities.
Our rapid alignment process includes SLIK(™), an annual process which helps businesses to rapidly align its strategy and execution efforts. While long-term planning is important, the inability to implement in the short-term can be devastating for a business. SLIK™ focuses on identifying the individual and corporate strengths of the business relative to the lifestage of the business, and aligned with key leadership characteristics required to implement the strategy through a series of execution roadmaps.
Implementation of an Alignment Scorecard as a tracking system coupled with coaching enables you to quickly identify misalignment and performance gaps that often go unnoticed until it is too late. This gives leaders the ability to monitor their performance, and allows the business to adjust its priorities to achieve the desired growth.
Businesses want to own the way they set their strategy and go about achieving their goals. But often they need something that can provide an effective and easy-to-use process that can be deployed and sustained by them without any external dependency.
Incorporated in the LCP® Alignment Platform is a tailored mentoring program with fifteen core workshop modules where internal stakeholders are trained and empowered to champion and sustain alignment as a key driver of success. Simply, these stakeholders become Alignment Champions! They actively encourage and inspire their peers to see the value of alignment in relation to both their personal and corporate well-being.
A framework for understanding leadership capacity and the power of alignment using the 5 Leadership Anchors.
People can achieve better outcomes and be more fulfilled when their professional and personal goals are aligned and not competing for the same resources.
Making reflection a core practice for leaders enables them to leverage their entire story for achieving their goals, creating a new trajectory for themselves and others.
Aiming to deliver measurable results in 90 days to create a new trajectory gives clarity, energy, and momentum to goals that are constantly being challenged.
It takes courage to change, courage to lead, and courage to pick yourself up after disappointment, failure, and hurt to continue striving to achieve your most important goals.
The virtue of generosity sits at the core of our mission; to invest liberally into people who want more for themselves and for others.