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  • Coaching
  • Culture
  • Decision-making
  • Leadership
  • Managing Change
  • Partnership
  • Performance
  • Strategy
  • Values
  • Wellbeing

What do you look like on the inside?

In his excellent book, The Leadership Mystique, Manfred Kets De Vries looks at the importance of a leader’s ‘interior’ condition and ...
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Forward thinking business partnerships

“The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be” (Paul Valery, 1871-1945). Much ...
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When leadership means something different

Culture significantly influences how the following statements are made, and how people respond to them. “We should take the initiative” ...
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Are we really surprised to find a link between character and performance?

In the 2018 LCP Global Leadership Survey, we asked 134 Board Chairs, CEOs, executives and senior leaders to respond to a ...
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In transition? Don’t hurry.

After nearly 25 years as an executive, my season ended differently than I had expected. What I didn’t fully appreciate ...
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Right ladder. Right wall

You may have heard about the person who spent their entire career climbing the corporate ladder only to discover their ...
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Is the pursuit of balance getting in the way of success?

In Margaret Wheatley’s book, Leadership and the New Science, she challenges traditional perspectives on achieving balance, or equilibrium. She shares the ...
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Does leadership coaching improve organizational performance?

The economic downturn of 2009 led to unprecedented challenges in global competition that created high levels of anxiety and uncertainty. ...
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How serving others can be the foundation of our success

I have observed that for many people it is easy for their focus to shift from serving a need (outward ...
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Have you ever lost your way?

At the risk of revealing how unwise I have been, I can recall numerous times I have been lost. One ...
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Where do I start—the best people or the best strategy?

What if I recruit the wrong person? How do I make sure I get a return on my investment and not ...
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Get me out of this meeting. I’m dying!

In 2004, I accepted a VP role for an organization that was expanding globally, and as a result, I was ...
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