Is your personal brand trustworthy?

As we step into 2022, whether boldly or with some reservations, there is a degree of uncertainty about how this year will unfold. Over the holiday break you may have paused to reflect on the goals you want to achieve, what really drives you to succeed, who champions you in your pursuits, and what success […]

Why being ‘lonely at the top’ isn’t good for you, or for business

Our careers, and lives, are a culmination of many choices that when added up over time, create our life’s trajectory. Not many people start out their career planning to make some of the choices and sacrifices they have to achieve success. Often it is only when they get to their desired destination that they look […]

What does success mean to you?

Like skipping to the end of a good book to find out what happens, imagine you are able to fast-forward to the last chapter of your life. Looking back over the course of your existence – the choices you made, your patterns of behavior, the quality of your relationships – would you consider it a […]

How time plays a bigger role in your success than you might think

You’ve set SMART goals for yourself and your team. They’re specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic. You’ve even set the deadline for when you’d like to tick them off your list. But have you ever considered that the time frame you put on your goals is a big factor in whether or not they get accomplished? […]

How do I mobilize my team when working from home?


As the world edges out of lockdowns, businesses are continuing to adapt to new working practices. Many teams may still be finding their feet in the new hybrid working environment where team members are more geographically dispersed with less opportunities for face-to-face contact. Navigating and managing team dynamics is often difficult enough without the added […]

Humility goes a long way for leaders, but it is not enough to get results

“Egos drive people in every occupation” (Heenan, 2012, pp. 19). Unfortunately, when humility is absent, leaders lose the ability to listen and focus on what is important. Jim Collins describes the resulting behaviors as “arrogant neglect”, and that when this happens, organizations enter the first stage of organizational decline (Collins, 2009, pp. 29). What can prevent this […]

Learn the art of asking strategic questions, not convenient ones

You won’t agree with everything that Levitt and Dubner present in Freakonomics (2009), but it will make you wonder if you are asking the right questions. Levitt and Dubner appeal to the person in the street who doesn’t have time to read all of the research available on an area of interest or something significant […]

Is it possible to lead when your values are in conflict with the organization?

Ninety-five percent of the eighty Board Chairs, CEOs, executives and senior leaders responding to the LCP Global 2018 Leadership Survey agreed there is a link between character and performance. We asked them how they responded when there was a conflict between their own personal values and those of the organization? We summarized their responses into […]

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