Are you a business staff are proud to work for?


It’s often only in hindsight that leaders recognize their organizational culture was a major contributing factor to serious failures. This was the case when international pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk risked violating US FDA regulations in the early 2010’s. Such was the seriousness of the case, its insulin was almost banned from the country1. In what […]

The short-term fix that can create a long-term problem


Stress and fatigue are understandable at certain times of the year – think of the mad rush in anticipation of the holidays, or the lead up to rolling out a major change initiative. But what if exhaustion is starting to creep in earlier than expected? What do you do when you find yourself looking at […]

Learn the art of asking strategic questions, not convenient ones

You won’t agree with everything that Levitt and Dubner present in Freakonomics (2009), but it will make you wonder if you are asking the right questions. Levitt and Dubner appeal to the person in the street who doesn’t have time to read all of the research available on an area of interest or something significant […]

Making ‘reflection’ a core leadership practice

Returning from a global leadership intensive with participants from Africa, Asia and the U.S, I couldn’t help but notice how challenging it can be to invest adequate time reflecting on our current role, what has contributed to it the most, and what continues to shape the way we make decisions, set goals, and mobilize others. […]

Forward thinking business partnerships


“The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be” (Paul Valery, 1871-1945). Much could be said about our changing world—economic volatility, political and civil unrest, epic levels of national debt, corrupt governments, a global pandemic and the impact of new technologies on the labor market. While not exclusively, […]

Does leadership coaching improve organizational performance?

The economic downturn of 2009 led to unprecedented challenges in global competition that created high levels of anxiety and uncertainty. This significantly affected stakeholder expectations that resulted in organizations tightening their budgets and standards of governance. As companies tried to do more with less, employees were being asked to carry more load and stress in the […]

Have you ever lost your way?

At the risk of revealing how unwise I have been, I can recall numerous times I have been lost. One time as an 8-year old going to the supermarket for the first time after our family had relocated to a new neighbourhood. My mother was horrified when she learned that my brother and I had […]

Where do I start—the best people or the best strategy?


What if I recruit the wrong person? How do I make sure I get a return on my investment and not lose this person to a competitor? Do we need to first make sure we have the strategy bedded down? These are some of the most frequently asked questions I get from leaders in relation to […]

Qualities of a good leadership coach

There are some excellent reasons why having an experienced leadership coach can be beneficial— They coach from areas of strength that may not be areas of strength for you They are an objective sounding board that brings significant experience They give you the opportunity to confide in a person with whom there is no conflict of […]

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